[Wsf-general] The configuration file for the database service
Chamil Thanthrimudalige
2007-02-26 11:33:58 UTC
hi all,

The configurations for the DBService will be in a file with the
extension "dbs". The configuration file so far looks like below.

<data-service name="UserDataService" targetNameSpace="http://
<operation name="getUser">

Details on the connection section needs to be generalized. So I would
like get some input from a JDBC expert no how best we can capture the

The input element will take the form of a list of parameters and a
prepared sql statement. The question marks in the statement will be
replaced with the values of the parameters in order when being
executed. The parameter element will include the xpath expression to
get the parameter value from the input message.
<sqlStatement>select * from user where name=? or age = ?</sqlStatement>

In JDBC the following bit code will create and execute the prepared

PreparedStatement updateSales = con.prepareStatement(
updateSales.setInt(1, 75);
updateSales.setString(2, "Colombian");

The output can be custom formated in two easy ways. The type
attribute will say which format is being used. "rename" means that it
is a simple column rename and "template" will indicate that an xml
template will be used.

First way is by doing a simple rename of the columns. Here the rename
element will indicate the source column name by "from" attribute and
target from "to" attribute.
<output wrap-rows="rowName">
<rename xmlns:my="http://www.wso2.org/types" from="ISINDEX"

Or else it can be formated using a xml template. Here the param
element will indicate the column of the dataset.
<output type="template" wrap-rows="rowName">
<name><param colName="name"/></name>
<age><param colName="age"/></age>

The wrap-rows attribute on the output element will give the repeating
container element for grouping the individual records. If it is not
given then it is assumed that only a single row will be returned, if
more than one result is returned then the system will throw an error.

If the output element is not given the output data will be formated
using the default settings. Where no modifications of the column
names will be done and an element called row will be used to wrap the
column data. The values will be in an element with it's column name.
<name>x</name >
</getUser >

Comments about this approach and the format of the configuration file
are most welcome and greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Chamil Thanthrimudalige
sumedha rubasinghe
2007-02-27 04:09:44 UTC
Hi Chamil,
1. Term 'protocol' seems to be bit confusing. How about something like

2. Although you may not need following properties at this stage, I am
sure you might need it down the line.

<!-- The minimum connections in a pool/sub-pool -->

<!-- The maximum connections in a pool/sub-pool -->

<!-- The time before an unused connection is destroyed -->

3. Since your going to support multiple databases, you might need to
keep a parameter to load correct type-mappings.

<type-mapping>${VALUE}</type-mapping>, where VALUE can be any of
mysql,Oracle,PostgreSQL 7.2,DB/2,etc.....

Based on above three points I would like to suggest the following for
the connections section.




Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
hi all,
The configurations for the DBService will be in a file with the
extension "dbs". The configuration file so far looks like below.
<data-service name="UserDataService"
<operation name="getUser">
Details on the connection section needs to be generalized. So I would
like get some input from a JDBC expert no how best we can capture the
The input element will take the form of a list of parameters and a
prepared sql statement. The question marks in the statement will be
replaced with the values of the parameters in order when being
executed. The parameter element will include the xpath expression to
get the parameter value from the input message.
<sqlStatement>select * from user where name=? or age = ?</sqlStatement>
In JDBC the following bit code will create and execute the prepared
PreparedStatement updateSales = con.prepareStatement(
updateSales.setInt(1, 75);
updateSales.setString(2, "Colombian");
The output can be custom formated in two easy ways. The type attribute
will say which format is being used. "rename" means that it is a
simple column rename and "template" will indicate that an xml template
will be used.
First way is by doing a simple rename of the columns. Here the rename
element will indicate the source column name by "from" attribute and
target from "to" attribute.
<output wrap-rows="rowName">
<rename xmlns:my="http://www.wso2.org/types" from="ISINDEX"
Or else it can be formated using a xml template. Here the param
element will indicate the column of the dataset.
<output type="template" wrap-rows="rowName">
<name><param colName="name"/></name>
<age><param colName="age"/></age>
The wrap-rows attribute on the output element will give the repeating
container element for grouping the individual records. If it is not
given then it is assumed that only a single row will be returned, if
more than one result is returned then the system will throw an error.
If the output element is not given the output data will be formated
using the default settings. Where no modifications of the column names
will be done and an element called row will be used to wrap the column
data. The values will be in an element with it's column name.
<name>x</name >
</getUser >
Comments about this approach and the format of the configuration file
are most welcome and greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Chamil Thanthrimudalige
Wsf-general mailing list
James Clark
2007-02-27 07:07:48 UTC
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
hi all,
The configurations for the DBService will be in a file with the
extension "dbs". The configuration file so far looks like below.
<data-service name="UserDataService" targetNameSpace="http://
<operation name="getUser">
Details on the connection section needs to be generalized. So I would
like get some input from a JDBC expert no how best we can capture the
I would hope that the .dbs format could be used for C as well as Java,
which implies the connection section needs to work not just for JDBC but
also for MySQL and any other native code database we might want to
support. The information that a user might need to supply about a
connection is virtually limitless. For example, MySQL has a gazillion
options any of which the user might need to specify. I think the
simplest solution is for the connection element to have a zero or more
property children, with some conventions for property names, e.g.

<property name="user">wsas</property>
<property name="jdbc.driver">org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver</property>

A fancier solution would use XML namespaces.
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
The input element will take the form of a list of parameters and a
prepared sql statement. The question marks in the statement will be
replaced with the values of the parameters in order when being
executed. The parameter element will include the xpath expression to
get the parameter value from the input message.
<sqlStatement>select * from user where name=? or age = ?</sqlStatement>
I'll refer to somebody who's using our data service to expose some of
their database content as a web service as a "data provider". I think
data provider is going to want to provide a WSDL to potential consumers
of their web service. So we need to think about how this WSDL is going
to get created. I think we should assume that the average data provider
has reasonable SQL skills, but probably not very good XML skills. So I
don't think we can expect that a data provider is going to be able to
write the XML schema for their WSDL. This means we've got to generate
the XML schema for them.

Using XPath here seems to me unnecessarily general, but more importantly
will make it hard to generate the schema. If instead we say that
parameters always occur as child elements of the root element of the
payload, then it would become possible to generate a schema from the
<input> element. (Operations that do updates are probably going to need
richer structures, but I suspect queries will be the most common use of
the data service.)

Do we need to force the user always to specify parameter elements? We
can tell how many parameters the prepared statement needs, and we can
choose default names (like <param>) for the parameters.

Another issue is parameter typing. The generated schema ought to be able
to specify the type of the parameters and our code needs to
intelligently convert between schema types and SQL types. I would be
inclined to specify the SQL type in the parameter, and then our code
would choose the appropriate XML schema type (following the assumption
that the user would be likely to know more SQL than XML schema).

Finally, the interface of the Web Service shouldn't be coupled too much
to the implementation. It should be possible for parameters to occur in
a different order in the SOAP request than in the SQL query.
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
The output can be custom formated in two easy ways.
Two different ways is not a good idea. These should be unified.
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
The type
attribute will say which format is being used. "rename" means that it
is a simple column rename and "template" will indicate that an xml
template will be used.
First way is by doing a simple rename of the columns. Here the rename
element will indicate the source column name by "from" attribute and
target from "to" attribute.
<output wrap-rows="rowName">
<rename xmlns:my="http://www.wso2.org/types" from="ISINDEX"
What's the xmlns:my declaration doing?
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
Or else it can be formated using a xml template. Here the param
element will indicate the column of the dataset.
<output type="template" wrap-rows="rowName">
<name><param colName="name"/></name>
<age><param colName="age"/></age>
The wrap-rows attribute on the output element will give the repeating
container element for grouping the individual records. If it is not
given then it is assumed that only a single row will be returned, if
more than one result is returned then the system will throw an error.
I think we should make it possible to leave out the <output/> element,
in which case we should provide reasonable default behaviour.

wrap-rows is mixing two things that should be independent:

- a way for the user to change the name of the element used for rows
(should probably default to <row>)

- a way for the user to assert that the query will return at most one

I would suggest the following XML syntax for output:

<output singleRow="true|false"
<attribute columnName="country"/>
<element elementName="IndexedState" columnName="ISINDEX"/>

Note that everything is optional, so for example,

<element elementName="IndexedState" columnName="ISINDEX"/>

is allowed, as is no <output> element at all.

More details:

- The singleRow attribute defaults to false. If singleRow=true, then no
rows element is output, and it's an error if there's more than one row.
(How should we handle the case where singleRow="true", but the query
returns and empty set of rows?)

- The rowsElementName attribute default to "rows".

- The rowElementName attribute default to "row".

- The "element" element causes a column to be emitted as an element.

- The "attribute" element causes the column to be emitted as an
attribute rather than an element.

- The elementName attribute on "element" and the attributeName attribute
on "attribute" default to the value of the columnName attribute.

- There are also attributes on "element"/"attribute" controlling type

- If useNil is true, then an empty element with an xsi:nil is emitted
for a column that has a null value (nothing is ever emitted for a null
column that is reprented by an attribute); otherwise nothing is emitted
for a column with a null value.

- The columnDefault attribute says what to do with columns for which
there is no "element" or "attribute" element. The default is "element".

- What order should elements for columns be output in? I would say
elements mentioned by "element" elements should be output according to
the order in which they are mentioned, followed by any other elements in
the order returned by the query.

- The names of elements and attributes specified in attribute values
should be able to be qnames. The namespace of unqualified names of
elements should be the value of defaultNamespace (which defaults to "").

Automatically generating a schema (except when columnDefault="omit") is
going to require that you can get the database to give you the result
type of the SQL. MySQL can. I don't know if straight JDBC can do that.
If it can't, then you'll need to use an extension or a separate tool or

Chamil Thanthrimudalige
2007-03-01 04:57:47 UTC
Post by James Clark
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
hi all,
The configurations for the DBService will be in a file with the
extension "dbs". The configuration file so far looks like below.
<data-service name="UserDataService" targetNameSpace="http://
<operation name="getUser">
Details on the connection section needs to be generalized. So I would
like get some input from a JDBC expert no how best we can capture the
I would hope that the .dbs format could be used for C as well as Java,
which implies the connection section needs to work not just for JDBC but
also for MySQL and any other native code database we might want to
support. The information that a user might need to supply about a
connection is virtually limitless. For example, MySQL has a gazillion
options any of which the user might need to specify. I think the
simplest solution is for the connection element to have a zero or more
property children, with some conventions for property names, e.g.
<property name="user">wsas</property>
We can do that. What ever the stuff is needed by each implementation
need to be in the configuration file done for that.
Post by James Clark
A fancier solution would use XML namespaces.
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
The input element will take the form of a list of parameters and a
prepared sql statement. The question marks in the statement will be
replaced with the values of the parameters in order when being
executed. The parameter element will include the xpath expression to
get the parameter value from the input message.
<sqlStatement>select * from user where name=? or age = ?</
I'll refer to somebody who's using our data service to expose some of
their database content as a web service as a "data provider". I think
data provider is going to want to provide a WSDL to potential
of their web service. So we need to think about how this WSDL is going
to get created. I think we should assume that the average data provider
has reasonable SQL skills, but probably not very good XML skills.
So I
don't think we can expect that a data provider is going to be able to
write the XML schema for their WSDL. This means we've got to generate
the XML schema for them.
Using XPath here seems to me unnecessarily general, but more
will make it hard to generate the schema. If instead we say that
parameters always occur as child elements of the root element of the
payload, then it would become possible to generate a schema from the
<input> element. (Operations that do updates are probably going to need
richer structures, but I suspect queries will be the most common use of
the data service.)
We used XPath to make the user do more with the input. But we can
drop it if it is making things too complicated.
Post by James Clark
Do we need to force the user always to specify parameter elements? We
can tell how many parameters the prepared statement needs, and we can
choose default names (like <param>) for the parameters.
Another issue is parameter typing. The generated schema ought to be able
to specify the type of the parameters and our code needs to
intelligently convert between schema types and SQL types. I would be
inclined to specify the SQL type in the parameter, and then our code
would choose the appropriate XML schema type (following the assumption
that the user would be likely to know more SQL than XML schema).
Finally, the interface of the Web Service shouldn't be coupled too much
to the implementation. It should be possible for parameters to occur in
a different order in the SOAP request than in the SQL query.
Then we will have to force the user to name the input. So we can't do
the suggestion of having one element name.
Post by James Clark
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
The output can be custom formated in two easy ways.
Two different ways is not a good idea. These should be unified.
May we can drop the rename then, but the database administrator might
prefer the rename to the xml template.
Post by James Clark
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
The type
attribute will say which format is being used. "rename" means that it
is a simple column rename and "template" will indicate that an xml
template will be used.
First way is by doing a simple rename of the columns. Here the rename
element will indicate the source column name by "from" attribute and
target from "to" attribute.
<output wrap-rows="rowName">
<rename xmlns:my="http://www.wso2.org/types" from="ISINDEX"
What's the xmlns:my declaration doing?
It was inserted to give the configuration file editor the ability
give what ever namespace he wants to give to the output elements. If
not needed we can drop this.
Post by James Clark
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
Or else it can be formated using a xml template. Here the param
element will indicate the column of the dataset.
<output type="template" wrap-rows="rowName">
<name><param colName="name"/></name>
<age><param colName="age"/></age>
The wrap-rows attribute on the output element will give the repeating
container element for grouping the individual records. If it is not
given then it is assumed that only a single row will be returned, if
more than one result is returned then the system will throw an error.
I think we should make it possible to leave out the <output/> element,
in which case we should provide reasonable default behaviour.
I did include a part about not having the out put element and a
default output scheme. I think it might have got truncated in your
mail. I will re insert that part of the mail here.

If the output element is not given the output data will be formated
using the default settings. Where no modifications of the column
names will be done and an element called row will be used to wrap the
column data. The values will be in an element with it's column name.
<name>x</name >
</getUser >

Best Regards,
Chamil Thanthrimudalige
Post by James Clark
- a way for the user to change the name of the element used for rows
(should probably default to <row>)
- a way for the user to assert that the query will return at most one
<output singleRow="true|false"
<attribute columnName="country"/>
<element elementName="IndexedState" columnName="ISINDEX"/>
Note that everything is optional, so for example,
<element elementName="IndexedState" columnName="ISINDEX"/>
is allowed, as is no <output> element at all.
- The singleRow attribute defaults to false. If singleRow=true, then no
rows element is output, and it's an error if there's more than one row.
(How should we handle the case where singleRow="true", but the query
returns and empty set of rows?)
- The rowsElementName attribute default to "rows".
- The rowElementName attribute default to "row".
- The "element" element causes a column to be emitted as an element.
- The "attribute" element causes the column to be emitted as an
attribute rather than an element.
- The elementName attribute on "element" and the attributeName
on "attribute" default to the value of the columnName attribute.
- There are also attributes on "element"/"attribute" controlling type
- If useNil is true, then an empty element with an xsi:nil is emitted
for a column that has a null value (nothing is ever emitted for a null
column that is reprented by an attribute); otherwise nothing is emitted
for a column with a null value.
- The columnDefault attribute says what to do with columns for which
there is no "element" or "attribute" element. The default is
- What order should elements for columns be output in? I would say
elements mentioned by "element" elements should be output according to
the order in which they are mentioned, followed by any other
elements in
the order returned by the query.
- The names of elements and attributes specified in attribute values
should be able to be qnames. The namespace of unqualified names of
elements should be the value of defaultNamespace (which defaults to "").
Automatically generating a schema (except when
columnDefault="omit") is
going to require that you can get the database to give you the result
type of the SQL. MySQL can. I don't know if straight JDBC can do that.
If it can't, then you'll need to use an extension or a separate tool or
Chamil Thanthrimudalige
2007-03-01 05:22:51 UTC
hi all,

I have added two wiki pages to consolidate our conversation and any
decisions that came from the email discussion.

I have tried to consolidate the stuff as much as I can, but have left
some ideas as they were presented. I think they can be better
integrated by the authors them selves.

Please have a look at the two wiki pages and add, comment and
consolidate. The urls are :



Thank you.

Best Regards,
Chamil Thanthrimudalige
Post by Chamil Thanthrimudalige
Then we will have to force the user to name the input. So we can't
do the suggestion of having one element name.
2007-02-28 09:39:00 UTC
Post by James Clark
<output singleRow="true|false"
<attribute columnName="country"/>
<element elementName="IndexedState" columnName="ISINDEX"/>
Note that everything is optional, so for example,
<element elementName="IndexedState" columnName="ISINDEX"/>
is allowed, as is no <output> element at all.
There must be a way for the user to know if something went wrong in the
server side. The simplest way to do this will be sending a SOAP-fault.
We also have the option of defining another optional element in the
output element so that the service can send the status of performing the
query. By adding this element we have a uniform way of sending
responses in the case of queries like UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT. All
these queries give the number of affected rows. For example lets say
user sends a request to update a table. The query will be something like

"UPDATE items,month SET items.price=month.price WHERE items.id=5"

This query may actually update the table or may not. But how is the user
going to know weather the data he sent is accepted? By using another
element we can send the number of updated rows in the respose so that
user knows what is happening.

So I suggest we add a extra optional attribute and a optional element to
what James suggest.

<output singleRow="true|false"
resultCode="true | false">
<attribute columnName="country"/>
<element elementName="IndexedState" columnName="ISINDEX"/>

<resultStatus/> ...

If the resultCode is false and if a error occurs we send a SOAP fault.
If we get resultCode attribute true and no resultStatus present there
will be a default resultStaus element in the output.

I'm not sure about the composition of the resultStatus element. For now
I'm suggesting we send the number of affected rows or a string value.
The string value may contain a error string or a success message.
