1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I especially like the approach of mapping a query parameter into a SQL
expression fragment. I'm not a SQL expert- does that not preclude the use
of prepared statements however? Or maybe there's a way to say the default
value of any missing query parameters is '*' (or whatever the universal
value is for a given field).

Now to the real question: how do we go forward?

The current approach (that I wrote up) is clearly a lower level user
experience than what you have in mind. It seems to me (at a first pass
level) that your approach can be implemented by "compiling" down to the
current approach. That is, one could take a declarative expression of this
higher level thing and effectively generate the current description as the
"script" to execute to get the desired data resources and/or services.

It also seems to me that the ideal thing to do would be to use the new
approach for tooling and use the current approach for execution.

Let's see what you think about that before digging deeper into how that
might work.

Also, your thoughts on the problems with the current approach would be
appreciated since we need to get that working too.

I've been wondering whether a rather different approach to specifying
the data service might be preferable. I haven't worked this approach
out in anything like the detail that our current approach has been
worked out in, but I will try to explain the basic idea.
The overall philosophy is to be higher-level, more declarative, easier
to use, but less flexible and less powerful. With this philosophy it's
not a goal that the user should be able to design an arbitrary web
service or REST interface to the information in the database and then
use the configuration file to specify that design. Instead the user
gets to decide the kind of reading, writing and searching of the data
that they require the web service/REST interface to provide and we
automatically create a good-quality web service/REST interface that
meets that requirement, together with some modest level of tweakability.
The fundamental concept is an "entity-set". The data service would
declare one or more named entity-sets. An entity-set is (surprise,
surprise) a set of entities. Each entity has an identifier that
uniquely identifies it within its entity-set. On the database side of
things, for each entity set there would be a corresponding table; the
primary key would correspond to the entity's identifier (for simplicity,
at first I would expect we wouldn't handle multi-part primary keys).
However, not every table corresponds to an entity-set. On the REST side
of things for each entity there's a resource that directly corresponds
to that entity; there may also be other resources that provide
alternative views of the entity.
The data service specification would declare one or more top-level named
entity-sets. In my order database example, the top-level entity-sets
might be named "products", "orders" and "customers". The name of the
database table corresponding with a particular named entity set would
obviously default to the name of the entity set.
The second key part of this approach is dealing with things like the
order_items table in my example, where information that is logically
associated with one entity is in a separate database table from the
entity-set to which the entity belongs. I think the way to handle this
is to use the concept that a table that does not correspond to a
top-level entity-set can be "owned by" a table that does. So for
example, the order_items table would be owned by the orders tables. For
some cases, it may be necessary to be explicit about how the rows of the
owned table relate to the rows of the owning table, but my guess is that
in most cases you can do the right thing by looking at the primary
key/foreign key information in the database schema.
I believe it's possible to provide a basic REST interface for many
databases using just
- the top-level entity-sets and their corresponding tables,
- ownership relationships between tables, and
- the database schema
Obviously there are lots of different ways of providing a REST
interface, but I think most of them can be intelligently defaulted (or
even fixed). Let's assume we want to expose the REST interface at
- There needs to be an XML representation of an entity that both can be
generated from the database and also allows the database to be updated
from the XML representation. The database schema is enough to allow a
reasonable default. Any customization facilities mustn't be so flexible
that they inhibit automatic generation of an XML schema or mapping from
the XML back to the database. The tricky bit will be handling ownership
relationships. My guess is that you can mostly do the right thing by
looking at the primary key/foreign keys. It should also be possible to
automatically turn foreign keys into the appropriate URI because you can
tell from the configuration where the URI for the resource corresponding
to an entity is.
- There needs to be a URI for the resource corresponding to each
entity-set. This can be defaulted from the name of the entity-set: for
example, the orders entity-set might be at
http://example.com/db/orders/. A GET on that would provide a listing of
all the entities in the entity-set. There would need to be a
configurable limit on the number of entities returned by such a GET and
a way to iterate over large entity sets (e.g. using queries to specify
the range of the result to return). There should be some configuration
that says what fields of the entity are returned in a GET on the
entity-set: obviously the URI of the entity needs to be there; you might
want just that, you might want a single title-like field (as in Atom) to
be returned, or you might want all fields to be returned.
- There needs to be a URI for the resource corresponding to each entity.
This would default to the URI for the entity-set plus the canonical
lexical representation of the primary key. For example,
http://example.com/db/orders/12345. A GET on this would return the XML
representation of the entity. The existing entity could be modified by
doing a PUT on its URI. DELETE on the URI will delete the entity.
- There are two ways that a new entity might be added: doing a POST on
the _entity-set_ URI or doing a PUT on the _entity_ URI. It should be
possible to automatically figure out which is the right way for a
particular entity set based on whether the primary key is autogenerated
(I think you can get this from the database schema): POST if it's
autogenerated, PUT if it's not.
The next big thing that a REST interface would need is some searching
capability. A starting point is to allow the user to specify that
certain fields are searchable. For example, if they specify that the
country field of the customers entity-set is searchable. Then
http://example.com/db/customers?country=US would return a listing of all
customers with a country field equal to US. The next step might be to
allow the a query parameter to be associated with an SQL expression. For
example, we might want http://example.com/db/customers?min-age=18 to
give us a list of all customers aged at least 18. The configuration
<query-param name="min-age" type="int">
<field name="dateOfBirth"/> - now > 18 years
This would allow query parameters to compose properly with no extra work
(e.g. http://example.com/db/customers?min-age=18&country=US would "just
We would also probably want a way to provide different views of the
entities, e.g. that excluded certain fields.
By working at a relatively high level, we can automatically can do
- we can automatically provide introspection facilities (e.g. WADL),
complete with XSD and RELAX NG schemas
- we should (I think) be able to automatically generate ETags; this
important for cacheability and crucial for dealing with concurrent
- it should be a small step to get an Atom interface as well
So far I've focused on REST. That's partly because I think we have a
bit of corporate REST deficit at the moment, and partly because I think
it's easy to go from a REST interface to a WSDL (service-oriented)
interface than vice-versa. How might a WSDL interface be specified? I
envisage there being a number of built-in methods such as add,
addMultiple, delete, deleteMatching, search, iterate, get which could
apply to an entity or entity-set. The basic idea would be that the user
would identify which built-in methods are allowed for which entity-sets.
Each built-in method would have some number of configurable parameters.
For example, the user might specify that they want to enable the "add"
method for the "customers" entity-set. By default we might choose a
WSDL operation name of addCustomer, but there would be a configurable
parameter that would allow it to be changed to createCustomer. There
might be some configurable parameters at the entity-set level: for
example, the singular noun to be used (e.g. so that you can have a table
called "people" and get methods called "addPerson", "removePerson").
Given the built-in method and the database schema it should be possible
to automatically generate a tasteful default WSDL interface. The user
wouldn't need to worry about writing an XSD schema: even when the input
XML is complex, the semantics of the builtin method together with the
database schema should be enough to allow us to create the XSD for the
user. Apart from automatically generating the WSDL, another nice thing
we should be able to do for the user in the WS-* world is automatically
support WS-Transfer and WS-Enumeration. Maybe we could even have a
method that generates events when the database is modified (though this
would require permission to create database triggers).
In some cases, the built-in methods may not be sufficient. I envisage
providing two ways to go beyond this. The first way would require XML
and SQL skills but not programming skills. This would be quite similar
to what we have at the moment: the user would provide a fragment of SQL,
perhaps an XSD for the output XML or more likely the input XML, perhaps
an XPath to get the input XML into SQL parameters, perhaps an XSLT to
get the SQL into the desired XML form. The second way, which would
require programming skills, would be to make the set of built-in methods
extensible. The user would be able to extend the available built-in
methods just by dropping in a jar file containing a class that
implements a particular interface. The tricky bit would be designing
this interface: maybe it would work by generating SQL/XSD/XPath/XSLT, or
maybe it would work completely differently.
In terms of tooling, I think this is declarative enough that it should
be possible to create a nice, easy to use Ajax interface that works on
the XML configuration file, which would guided by an XML representation
of the database schema.
This message is already rather long. I haven't talked about what I see
as the problems with the current approach. I can do that if people
want. The fundamental reason why I prefer the approach I've outlined
above is that I think it's better for the specification to express as
much as it can at as high a semantic level as possible. I don't think
there's a big technical risk in the kind of approach I'm suggesting: it
has a lot of conceptual similarities to object-relational mapping
technologies, such as the Java Persistence API
http://www.amazon.com/Database-Systems-Complete-Hector-Garcia-Molina/dp/0130319953/ (the Amazon customer reviews page has an amusing mixture of 1-star and 5-star reviews).
Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.; http://www.wso2.com/
email: ***@wso2.com; cell: +94 77 787 6880; fax: +1 509 691 2000

"Oxygenating the Web Service Platform."